Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) / Limb Salvage
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a common problem that causes narrowing of the arteries supplying blood to the arms and legs. Vascular expert Danon Garrido, MD at Advanced Vascular & Vein Associates in Flowood, Mississippi, offer comprehensive care for circulatory issues such as PAD. Their goal is to relieve the pain and other debilitating symptoms related to PAD while preventing the long-term health consequences of this progressive disease. Schedule an evaluation today by calling the office or requesting an appointment online.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) / Limb Salvage Q & A
Peripheral artery disease most often comes from plaque buildup (atherosclerosis) in the arteries supplying blood to the legs or arms. These fatty deposits cause narrowing of the affected vessels and prevent an adequate blood supply from reaching the extremities.
Much less frequently, the arterial narrowing associated with PAD may be due to inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis) or an injury to the involved limb.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 6.5 million people in the United States have PAD. Many more likely have the condition without realizing it because the early symptoms of PAD are often quite subtle.
PAD most often affects the legs but can also occur in the arms. Depending on which arteries are affected, symptoms may include:
- Crampy muscular pain (claudication) in the legs with physical activity such as walking
- Pain in the arm muscles with routine activity such as writing, gardening, etc.
- Numbness, weakness, and tingling in the affected extremities
- Unusually cool skin temperature in one extremity compared to the other
- Skin changes that may include severe dryness, shininess, or unusual discoloration
- Slower hair growth or hair loss on the legs and feet
- Open sores on the legs and feet that don’t heal or heal very slowly
- Weakened pulses in the affected extremity
- Swelling in the arms, hands, legs, or feet
The long-term health consequences of PAD include increased risk of stroke and heart attack as well as ongoing infection and tissue death (gangrene) caused by inadequate blood supply to the affected limb. This may eventually lead to amputation.
The goal of treatment for PAD includes resolving the symptoms and addressing the underlying cause of the disease.
Effective treatment strategies may include various medications to help control pain, lower your cholesterol, and reduce your risk of blood clots.
You may also benefit from changes in diet, increased physical activity, and weight loss to help manage atherosclerosis.
Your Advanced Vascular & Vein Associates specialist may also recommend a minimally invasive procedure such as balloon angioplasty and stenting to widen arteries narrowed by plaque.
This can help salvage a limb at risk of amputation as it relieves the symptoms you’re experiencing and prevents worsening tissue damage and other health complications related to PAD.
Because atherosclerosis that causes PAD is the same condition that leads to coronary artery disease, you may also benefit from further evaluation of your overall vascular health.
Don’t ignore the health risks associated with PAD. Schedule an evaluation at Advanced Vascular & Vein Associates today. Call the office, or request an appointment online.